France: Stepping Into A Fairytale in Strasbourg

Walking through the streets of Strasbourg is like walking through the opening scenes of Beauty and The Beast and on our recent visit on more than one occasion, I expected to see Belle reading her fairy tales and singing a song as she passed me. Instead this was my fairy tale, as Mr ESLT had taken me to the charming French city as an early birthday present. He had planned everything from flights and accommodation to activities. Even though I am the planner, it was nice to allow someone else to take the reins and plan something for me. As we were there for four nights, he factored in a lot of down time too which was much-needed. Normally when we visit anywhere we go in hard which can often result in not appreciating our surroundings. Also, as it was my birthday trip it was nice that we took it at a slower pace, exploring deeper and I’ll be honest, taking advantage of being able to have afternoon naps. Continue reading “France: Stepping Into A Fairytale in Strasbourg”