Places To Explore That Could Never Bore

Travelling can be an enlightening experience. Sure, short beach holidays are fun, as are holidays to places such as Disney World, but they don’t really give you the opportunity to explore the place you are visiting. Soaking up the sun and having fun at attractions are fantastic in their own right, but if you’re yearning for adventure then you need to spread your wings a little and explore not just the famous places and landmarks but the depths of those places too. Enjoy iconic landmarks, by all means, but don’t just take things at face value if you want to truly learn and appreciate your destination. Continue reading “Places To Explore That Could Never Bore”

Now Spring Has Sprung – Take A Hike!

Spring in England can be beautiful, as the grey of winter is replaced with lush greens, it really is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy what the countryside has to offer. We are extremely lucky that we live minutes from numerous walking and hiking trails through beautiful landscapes and over the past couple of weeks we have taken advantage of the lighter nights and nicer, if sometimes iffy, weather. Plus after the over indulgence at Easter, the fresh air and exercise has been doing us good. We love getting out of the house and walking, and talking, for hours, we find it a great way to reconnect with nature and each other. Regardless of if you are a serious hiker or a gentle walker, staying warm, dry, comfortable and safe are paramount. Here are a few things and ways this can be done. Continue reading “Now Spring Has Sprung – Take A Hike!”